HOW SHOULD A BODY BE? By Bethany Meloche
Viktig info denne boken er på engelsk.
About the Book: HOW SHOULD A BODY BE? is a coming of age story, a family story and a love story set against the backdrop of a girl learning to live with a degenerative neurological disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth. It isn’t all puppies and rainbows, but it isn’t surgical disasters and torpedo either. Instead, this book is about learning to live with exactly what we are given – no more, no less.
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Why I think you should buy this book:
My diagnosis is also CMT, and I feel right at home in the descriptions. The book is honest, though, and emotional. The book really excels in it`s description of the ups and downs that follow CMT, but the best parts is how it describe how good life with CMT can be.
Hvorfor jeg mener du burde kjøpe denne boken: Jeg har også CMT å jeg kjente meg veldig igjen i beskrivelsene. Boken er ærlig, tøff og fin. Å det viktigste boken beskriver er oppturene og nedturene med CMT, men det beste er at den viser deg livet med cmt å hvor bra det også kan være.